Friday 4 October 2013

A Letter to My Daughter: What I Want to Teach You

Dear Beautiful Girl,

As time goes on, I am realizing that I have been given quite the task of teaching you things I believe are important for you to become independant.  There are just so many things, but so little time.

Obviously, I want you to grow up to be independant.  For now, that means teaching you things such as feeding yourself, walking, talking and soon potty-training.  But later on, these lessons will become more in depth as you take on various responsibilities and the consequences that may come with not living up to these responsibilities.  It will all be because I love you and want you to learn that I am always there for you, but there may be a day when I cannot be with you physically. 

But there are much more important lessons I want to instill in you throughout your life. 

I want you to learn to love God.  This is the most important relationship you will ever have in your life.  So often it is easy to put family or friends over this relationship (those these relationships are also important- they will never compare to the one you have with your heavenly Father).  Spend time with Him, don't be afraid to share Him with those around you.

Love Others.  Each person has a gift and a strength.  Learn these strengths and encourage others in a loving matter.  There will be some people that are easier to love than others, but it's for those hard to love people that you have to remember that they too have a need to be loved and are a child of God. 

Listen to Others.  All too often we get into our rush of the day.  Listen to what others have to say- sometimes all somebody needs is an open ear. 

It's Okay to Fail.  Failure does not define who you are.  Learn from your mistakes and move on.

Have Fun.  Life is not meant to be filled with worry and stress.  If you are feeling this way, take a breath and remember God provides and what really matters in life.

Work Hard.  Don't slack off at work.  It is important and shows you take yourself seriously.  Work hard and use the gifts God has given you in all that you do. 

Don't get your self-worth from others.  People will let you down, you will never be perfect.  Know you are beautiful no matter what other people say. 

Do not be easily angered.  This goes along with loving others, but don't let your emotions get a hold of you.  Compromise and Forgive. 

There are just so many more things I need to teach you, but these are some of the few I believe are essential for me to teach you.  I know I will be FAR from perfect in teaching you these things.  Please remember I am human.  I make mistakes but I will promise to try and fix my mistakes and model these behaviours to the best of my abilities. 


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